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March of Dimes

This ride benefits the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, who are dedicated to helping babies be born healthy. I personally know of one mother who lost a baby to a birth defect, then had another baby with the same problem who lived- because the March of Dimes had sponsored research which found a solution to the problem. The March of Dimes has one of the highest efficiencies of any charity- 78%. Compare that to some "charities" who only manage to get 5% to actual programs that help people.

The ride is sponsored by the March of Dimes.

As with other March of Dimes events, participants are encouraged to run around and get sponsors to contribute to the cause, but it isn't a per-mile thing-- just see how many of your friends, co-workers and family will kick in a buck or twenty for the March of Dimes. But to ride, you really only need to pay a nominal amount; $25 will get you a T-shirt, pin, and lunch. I raised over $300 the first year and over $250 the second, because I work with a lot of generous people. You will be surprised how an opportunity like this will show you how generous some of your friends are, and how stingey others are.

Each ride starts out in the morning with bagels, OJ, coffee, etc. After the ride, there's a big prize drawing and a pretty darn good lunch. Prizes in past rides have included helmets, gloves, accessories, and even a horribly expensive Harley-Davidson leather jacket.

1995 RideAmerica

My first group ride. We rode up Provo Canyon from Orem to Kamas, then to Park City, where we had a break, then back. Beautiful country. Rolling through Park Cith with about fifty other motorcycles was great fun. Some of the people who watched us go by seemed worried about all those "dang bikers" in their nice tourist town. Yahoo!.

1996 RideAmerica

About the same ride as 1995. We rode up from Orem to Park City, skipping Kamas and the Jordanelle overlook. In Park City's park we had sodas (this is where the O'Doul's came in) and snacks in the gazebo and on the lawn, then headed back.

1997 RideAmerica

The 1997 RideAmerica was going to be much bigger than the first two. It was on Saturday, June 28th, with the Utah Jazz as a major sponsor and featured the Jazz Bear! He made the ride a lot more fun.

The ride started at the Utah State Fairpark in Salt Lake City, then proceeded up Emmigration Canyon and East Canyon to East Canyon State Park at the reservoir, then back a couple of miles to a parking lot for refreshments. After refreshments, we backtracked to the Fairpark. Somewhere in Salt Lake City, one rider had an accident, the first we've had on our RideAmerica.

1998 RideAmerica

I have no idea of what sort of ride happened in 1998-- the March of Dimes didn't even send me a note saying when the ride would be.

The Future of RideAmerica in Utah

If they tell me, I'll tell you. I keep hoping they will have a ride, but since they are no longer working with my local bike shop, I hear very little about what they are up to. I think the March of Dimes people were expecting hundreds or thousands of bikes to magically appear with no publicity efforts on their part. Oh well. We made a couple grand each year we had the ride. I guess that wasn't enough.
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