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TinyLFadder, TinyLFyanker

These two apps are free to anyone willing to send a picture postcard to me at:

Lyle D. Gunderson
P.O. Box 1078
Pleasant Grove, UT 84062


This is tiny but effective. All it does is add linefeeds to text files (files of type "TEXT"). This would by useful if you were going to upload files you had created on the Mac to a computer running some other operating system that insists on having linefeeds. The easiest way is to simply drag the files onto the TinyLFadder icon; the files will automatically be replaced with duplicate files that have CR/LF pairs where the original files had CR or CR/LF. I've tried this with as many as 200 files and it worked. YMMV. If you don't have System 7.x, you can also just launch TinyLFadder and it will keep asking you for more files to process until you are done.

By giving TinyLFadder a sample file to learn from, or by dinking around with ResEdit as described in the Readme file, you can specify a new creator type for the output files so, for example, you can double-click on them and have them opened by MPW Shell or Word Perfect or whatever.

Download it!


This is tiny but effective. All it does is remove linefeeds from text files (files of type "TEXT"). This would be useful if you downloaded files to your Macintosh that were created on a computer running some other operating system or which had linefeeds added on their way over the Internet. I use it to remove LFs from EvangeList digests that get downloaded from AOL because they are too big for AOL's mail reader.

The easiest way is to simply drag the files onto the TinyLFyanker icon; the files will automatically be replaced with duplicate files that have CRs where the original files had CR or CR/LF. I've tried this with as many as 200 files and it worked. YMMV. If you don't have System 7.x, you can also just launch TinyLFyanker and it will keep asking you for more files to process until you are done.

By giving TinyLFyanker a sample file to learn from, or by dinking around with ResEdit as described in the Readme file, you can specify a new creator type for the output files so, for example, you can double-click on them and have them opened by MPW Shell or Word Perfect or whatever.

Download it!

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